Friday 23 May 2014

Unit 28 - P4

This is the payment page that has to be completed to purchase a film.

On the left is the example of a review. On the right is the review slip that has to be completed.

Friday 16 May 2014

Task 2 - Unit 28


The Data Protection Act
This is in place to ensure that the user's data is not given to third parties if they don't wish, also there is a security for them. The DPA 1998 is parliament law on the processing of data for living people.
Things such as;

  • Name
  • Address
  • DOB
  • Contact information
  • Convictions
  • Bank details
Plus many more.
Due to the databases being stored online, it left the door open for data to be taken by hackers or transferred by companies and this is why the DPA came into place to try and give the customers some confidence that the information they give can be trusted not to be abused (given away or stole).

Security Risks
Hackers - They pose serious threats to both businesses and civilians that use the web. Hackers target vital information such as passwords, account names and email address in order to steal identities, they do this through either spyware or the internet itself.
Viruses - Hackers create these infected files that are then put onto websites or in files and when the website or file is accessed/downloaded the virus is transferred to your device. Once infected the hackers can use the program to access your device and/or steal information stored on it.
Identity Theft - This is when someone obtains enough information about the person that they can pretend to be the person. Things such as DOB, name, address, past addresses, contact information etc. A database with all data stored online would be a target for people wanting to take information for this purpose. It is vital that there is security in place to stop this happening.

Security Protection
Firewall - A wall that only lets authorised data pass through, unauthorised data is blocked and thus makes the risk a lot smaller for viruses to get onto your device. Hardware or software are the two forms that it comes in. Hardware would be the router as most have it built in. Software would be things like Norton.
Secure Socket Layers (SSL) - This protocol allows for information to be transferred safely around the internet. Sites that require users to sign in and out tend to use this protocol. These include Email, banking and gambling sites, this is so that when you are entering you username and password, no third party can be looking in and viewing the transmitted data.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Unit 30 - task 6

Copyright - This is when a piece of data, anything from music, poetry, stories or videos are ‘claimed’ by the owner of the piece. This claiming is copyrighting, and this means that the person who owns it, makes it so that anyone who would like to use, edit or copy the piece would have to pay for it. This prevents things such as images from being copied and used when the owner would not want them to be, preventing plagiarism. Within the video game industry purchasing copyrighted data is common for other companies to pick up failing ideas and turning them into successes i.e. Red Dead Redemption.

Copyright Free - This is work that is not copyrighted and is free to be used by anyone who wishes to. The three ways for a piece not to be copyrighted is: There was no copyright claim originally attached, the attached copyright has since expired and the copyright has been surrendered by the owner.

Intellectual property -  This is a law that allows people to 'protect' ideas that they have, these ideas could be things such as an invention, logo idea or lyrics etc. The property term comes from the fact that they can be sold, leased or transferred etc. 

Trademark - This is the act of claiming products or services. The owner can pursue legal action against brand piracy (counterfeit usage of trademark) or trademark infringement. However, if the product/services falsely advertise or are offensive then the owner can be on the end of a legal investigation. The owner can also license the trademark and an example of this would be the FIFA video game as EA Sports have the license to use the real names of professional players. There are three types of trademark, The trademark symbol, Service Mark and Registered Trademark. A trademark holds less protection than a registered trademark.