Friday 20 June 2014

Unit 28 - D3

Thinking of how to improve my website, I will consider;

  • Accessibility
  • Ease of-use
  • Functionality
  • User environments, links, navigation
  • Content
  • Check against user requirements

  • The Accessibility I would ensure that the website works on all the available browsers as I only tested a few. This would ensure that more people would definitely have access. This would be beneficial to all involved as the film club could have more members and also there wouldn't be anyone feeling left out by not being able to join if they wish to. 

    To improve the ease of use I would give more instructions and information to make it less confusing for young members when they start using the site. This would include more detail on the payment page as it could be difficult for someone not used to putting in the information and it is important to get it right. Also on the review page because users may not fully understand what comments would be helpful as more detail is better. 

    Making sure that the payment details are stored securely and correctly as well as the review information from each member would be vital as this is all very important information. This is part of the functionality that would need to be improved and maintained to have a successful website.

    Ensuring every link and trailer worked would make the experience of the site better for the members. This would mean that they could view the trailer before deciding to watch the film which is beneficial for them and then having no broken links is vital as if they can't move to all pages then information, such as reviews would not be completed and so it would be pointless.

    Increasing the content would make it better because there is a wider range for the users to consider reviewing and have a better range to suit each person's interests. Having more films and their trailers would allow the members to view them prior to making the choice of watching the film and it would mean that they aren't paying for a film that they will be bored of watching after 15 minutes.

    Having strict checks against user requirements will ensure that there are no errors and that all rules are obeyed. I would ensure that many checks have been done for a range of circumstances e.g. Age (not old enough), incorrect data submitted, missing data and that the films have the right age restrictions when chosen by me to be put on the website. This would avoid any complaints or confusion for users and/or parents.   

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